03 Jul Artist Member of the Month – Eugenia Porello
Meet Eugenia Porello:Local artist + ACP Member

Tell us a little about yourself and your art!
Born and raised in Argentina, the third of five children, I have experienced the artistic drive since I can remember. Compulsive sketcher, bemused observer of people, things, places. Although a formal education in the arts was not possible, my heart always would beat at the rhythm of my own artistic drum. As a teen, I would design and sew my own clothing, draw portraits of all my classmates, create sculptures with a variety of materials, etc. In spurts and fits, my art has never stopped expanding and growing. Every new tile of the mosaic of my life, results from exploring each intersection through my artist’s gaze.
How did you become an artist/first get into art?
Becoming an artist was never an end or goal, but rather a thing existing inside of me, an undeniable force that I struggled to tame in order to conform and provide in society. I often realize that my perception of color and shapes, textures and mood differ significantly from that of what now we have the language to describe as “neurotypical people” and I have long learned that art will always find a way to emerge in my neurodivergent self. In my artistic journey I have delved into many mediums, from charcoal to oils, pastels, ink, woodcarving, etc. As a child I told my parents that ‘one day I would be a metalsmith’ and about 6 years ago, that old dream became a reality when I began creating original jewelry.

What’s inspiring you these days?
Nature and its treasures inspire my work, as well as emotions and tribulations of the human experience. The human figure, in its infinite range of expression, has captivated me for a long time, but recently I enjoy witnessing the possibilities emerging organically from the convergence of old and new techniques, materials and means. Recently, I began playing with resin, as a way to suspend in the air a myriad of treasures gleaning in the sunlight. I also love to marry the contorted beauty of driftwood with other objects marginalized or forgotten, and marvel at what can be!. Often I feel, working in abandon in my workshop, that I am but a facilitator of these pieces to come to life and broadcast their unique stories. I seldom approach an art piece with a plan in mind, but rather surrender to its urge into existence. Now in my midlife years, this innate passion that is my identity, shows no signs of slowing down, as I continue to find a new ways to please the whims of my muse.
Who are some of your favorite artists?
As for admired artists, I have always loved the work of Gustav Klimt, Pablo Picasso and Edgar Degas, although in every museum of art I will fall in love with multiple, less well known artists’ work. In fact, I tend to emerge with a migraine after spending time at an art museum, due to the intensity with which I experience each visit.
Where can people find out more about you?
My work can be seen at my webpage – Porellarte.com. “Porellarte” is a play of words in which my last name reveals my earnestness: For the Sake of Art.