Red Sean is the nickname for Trenton-born illustrator Sean Rynkewicz. Now residing in Philadelphia with his wife Madison, who helped to paint this mural, Sean has become an avid commuter cyclist. Besides protecting bike lanes and holding drivers accountable, he loves Jazz, collecting records, looking at old architecture, and touching even older trees.
Originally an illustration for local Philadelphia sustainability magazine, Grid, encouraging bikers to vote for candidates in public office with cyclists’ safety in mind, this new mural shifts focuses to cover the upcoming national election and the importance of having our voices heard by exercising our right to vote.
The Wagon isthe Arts Council’s fourteenth (!) Spring Street mural and the latest ofACP’s growing public art presence in and around Princeton. Also on view are Journeyby Marlon 7oveChild Davila on the corner of John Street and Leigh Avenue, asphalt mural at the ACP, and the Bring on the Joy murals at Princeton Shopping Center.
Thank you to mural sponsors, Pedego Princeton at Kopp's Cycles and Patrick de Maynadier.