sponsor the
Princeton ART BAZAAR

Saturday, may 4
Downtown Princeton, NJ

The Princeton Art Bazaar has quickly become a springtime favorite for locals and visitors alike. It’s a full day of community + creativity, and you can help make the magic happen.

Explore our sponsorship menu to select your level of brand exposure. Thank you for helping us build community through the arts.


Interested or have any questions?

Please contact Development Director Liza Peck at [email protected] or 609.924.8777 ext 109

$2,500 | MUSE
  • Logo recognition on Art Bazaar webpage
  • Logo recognition on signage at event
  • Logo on event poster
  • Logo recognition in three e-blasts (audience of 14,600+)
  • Three tagged social media posts with reach of 16,765 followers across channels
  • Name in Annual Report donor list
$1,000 | DEVOTEE
  • Logo recognition on Art Bazaar webpage
  • Logo recognition on signage at event
  • Logo on event poster
  • Logo recognition in two e-blasts (audience of 14,600+)
  • Two tagged social media posts with reach of 16,765 followers across channels
  • Name in Annual Report donor list
  • Logo recognition on Art Bazaar webpage
  • Logo recognition on signage at event
  • Logo on event poster
  • Logo recognition in one e-blast (audience of 14,600+)
  • One tagged social media post with reach of 16,765 followers across channels
  • Name in Annual Report donor list