Join the Arts Council of Princeton for the opening of Precious Virtues, a solo show of paintings by Kirstan Fitzpatrick on view in our Siegel Gallery.
Precious Virtues are defined as qualities of moral excellence that are considered to be of high value. Virtues, such as compassion, courage, perseverance, honesty, and justice play such a significant role in our lives, that without them we would not be able to succeed as individuals. On the contrary, we would simply give up and grow frustrated whenever we are faced with difficulties.
Virtues are the building blocks of what makes a community. It allows us to communicate effectively with one another, care for each other, encourage each other, and work through problems, whether great or small. So, because we as individuals have virtues instilled within us, our strong positive sense of morality allows us to move forward and make progress, which compounds itself into strong societies.
This exhibit is entitled “Precious Virtues” to describe the historic African American figures seen in each painting as representatives of such invaluable traits. As the viewer takes a closer look and observes each piece, they may find one or all of these virtues in the expression or body language of each subject.