The Arts Council of Princeton is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees. In addition to serving as a legal entity, the Board of Trustees brings community representation to the organization. Board members represent diverse segments of the community through their occupations, geographic locations, experience, and backgrounds. In turn, our board members represent the ACP within the community and are stewards of the organization’s mission, goals, policies, and finances.
Advisory Board members are leaders in the community, providing feedback on how we are doing and how we can continue to serve the community. Advisory Board members also serve as ambassadors from the Arts Council into the community, helping to communicate news of exciting programming and events.
John Thompson
Tamara Franklin
Vice President
Daniel Kelly
Jacqui Alexander
Tina Motto
Executive Committee Member at Large
Patrick de Maynadier
Executive Committee Member at Large
Philip Clippinger
Aaron Fisher
Lindsey Forden
Samira Ghani
Kathy Herring
Dozie Ibeh
Pamela Jensen
Alisan Kavookjian
Stephen Kim
Caitlin Kolczynski
Viridiana Martínez Weiss
Maryellen McQuade
Diana Moore
Lydia Pfeiffer
Alex Pimentel
Gregory Smith
Adam Welch, Executive Director
Anne Reeves, Founding Director
Ed Stelmakh, Co-Chair
Sarah Collum Hatfield, Co-Chair
Timothy M. Andrews
Kathleen Bagley
Leigh Bartlett
Peter Bienstock
James Burke
Ben Colbert
Barbie Cole
Ted Deutsch
Jessica Durrie
William Harla
Mitch Henderson
Jamie Herring
Kookie Johnson
Casey Lambert
Wendy Mager
Cameron Manning
Maria Dominguez Momo
Raoul Momo
Carlo Momo
Veronica Olivares Weber
Anne O’Neill
Jacqueline Phares
John Rassweiler
Nancy Robins
Dawn Schrader
Anne VanLent
Anne Wright Wilson
John Thompson, Board President
Adam Welch, Executive Director