Elaina Phillips April Artist of the Month

April Artist Spotlight! Meet Elaina Phillips

MeeT Elaina Phillips - local artost & acp member


I’m an artist because I have the resources, abilities, and encouragement needed to embrace doing what I love. My earliest memories consist of pure excitement for art making. I became involved and took classes because my family, teachers, and community supported my curiosity and abilities. Organizations (including The Arts Council of Princeton) offered programs that encouraged the arts and provided inspiring classes. In high school I became aware of career opportunities that involve the arts through 2D and 3D coursework and Engineering Physics. Art and design are inherently part of our lives, they provide awareness that is necessary for growth and understanding. I am grateful to be able to follow my dreams.

What inspires you to make art?

My experiences, emotions and faith inspire me to make art. Since art is a way to express emotion and I am aware and responsive to the world around me, personal reflection is key. Music and writing are part of that. My life and abilities are a gift that I can share with others and that inspires me. 

What’s inspiring you these days?

Learning and trying new things has always been a source of inspiration. I find myself surrounded by many extraordinary people with many perspectives and ideas – not just about art, but in life, which inspires me. We are all so unique and I wish I had time to get to know more people well. As a student at Mason Gross School of the Arts, experiencing what other artists create is inspiring and motivating. I feel fortunate to be able to admire and celebrate what they do.

    I feel there are a lot of people who are artistic but don’t consider themselves to be artists. As humans we are made to create. Consider styling hair, creating physical spaces, buildings, gardens, atmospheres, interactions, medical devices. There’s a lot of creativity and artistic thinking around us, that’s also inspiring to me.

What’s one thing about you people would be surprised to know?

I can juggle!

Connect with Elaina:

Website: elainarphillips.com

Instagram: @ElainaRPhillips