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December 19 - January 18


Patti Jordan and RM Cimini

Opening: Thursday, December 19 • 5-7pm

Confluence: A coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point. 

In this dual exhibition, Confluence, RM Cimini and Patti Jordan assemble sampling from their singular bodies of work intending to engender a reciprocal exchange. Although working in different genres, formats, and mediums, their inquiries converge as they explore surfaces and layering as a criterion. Actualized through a robust engagement in process and craft, both artists employ fluidity in their practices, assimilating personal experiences through gesture. From this confluence, their works attempt to stir an inner dialogue  with the private phenomena of the individual onlooker during viewership. 

After the Dream
RM Cimini
Oil on canvas

DEVOLUTION (Memento Mori 010)
Patti Jordan
Monoprint, ink, charcoal, graphite, colored pencil on paper

Cimini defines her pictorial imaginings as a “visual exploration of impermanence.” Through the continues application of veils of paint, her paintings emphasize the temporal nature of existence and invite viewers to consider that which cannot be spoken in words. Jordan’s iconic abstractions are intrinsically experimental and subject to fluctuations due to chance and unpredictability; she cathartically pours and pulls ink across a surface with a metal rule. The reticulation and striations from this back-and-forth motion, “drawing”, replicate nascent experiences and materialize as protean forms. Coincidingly acting independently and in parallel, Cimini and Jordan impart and appreciation for traversing the ethereal and the ineffable. Each seeks to fabricate a conduit to greater meaning as they work in flux and flow.



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December 19 - January 18




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